Just a thought.......why don't they have school-uniforms in Sweden??
The fanatic, obsessed, desperate attempts to have all, everything and everybody jämställt................that should be the most logical consequence.
Anyway, am I trying to understand? No just thinking loud on a Monday morning, wet and cold and foggy ouside.
Monday, 26 January 2009
Saturday, 24 January 2009
"M" for matsäck, mumms, moms, not moms!!, mums....

It does not happen too often, but at times I am running completely out of words and am absolutely speechless for the vastness of stupidity that hits me.
It is taking my breath away.
I feel like crawling under my blanket or hide under the table till it is over!
No, no, I am not in Gaza and under fire-attack. WHO the hell cares about that??
MATSÄCK, to have or not to have. That is the question.
I am overwhelmed by the Magnitude of the importance of this problem, the impact this has on our society, the future and happiness and wellbeing of our children. The very thought that children till now have been subjected to the dreadful experience of having to take a matsäck that was not as yummi, delicious, well-composed than that of another one........ It breaks my heart. At this tender age to have to undergo such a frustrating experince.........
I do sincerely hope and pray that the decision will be made as it is tendency here: nothing and nobody should excel anybody or in anything.
We shall all be merely as good as the worst.
Rather "Lagom är bäst"........but have a clear conscience that we managed to stay within the boundries of mediocrity.
That is the local standard. And hell, we will stick to it.
For the next days, reliable as usual, Jönköpings Posten will keep us informed about the development. Let us hope that no expenses and public resources are spared to settle this question once and for all.
Think of the sigh of relief parents will heave if they do not have to bother about this any more. Agreed, it happens max. 2-3 times a year, but then this is also a question of principle, isn't it?!
And apparently, there does not seem to be much other to REALLY bother about in our small little pink world.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
"G" for Gravljusen which slocknade efter halva helgen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But who cares?!
The center of real life drama and desaster is right here, in Jönköping, MonAmour.
The world may have turned its back on us, probably cares a shit.
So we have to tackle this all by ourselves. But like Phönix we will arise from the ashes!! Feathers burnt, somewhat disshevelled, but not dead yet.
So here is the story:
How did we all feel when reading FRONT-PAGE-NEWS in JP on 7th Jan.? A day forever burnt into my memory. The real-life story of the unfortunate woman who did buy gravljus from EKO stormarknad (shame on them!!) and the lights went off after barely a day and a half. That is much before they should !!
And more details on page 4.
No wonder Swedes run into the wall, are depressed, take to alcohol, their nights ruled by mardrömmer.
Taking in these stories along with your breakfast must either lead to constipation or loose motions. Not to mention that it sets your mind in a frame that nearly makes you incapable of hantering life normally. How can one possibly function efficiantly if desaster seems to lurk around just any corner??
It does not even seem to protect us from evil that we do live in the only city (to my knowledge) that drags the appendix "Jerusalem" along. I thought and did hope that it was a blessing but now I am troubled by doubts.
Nevertheless, let us light a candle and take a minute of silencio!
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