Friday, 17 July 2009

"B" for bÓÓbs

The weather is simply too nice to sit in front of my PC and write about that potentially does not exist, only as a "Hole", or more precise "Summer Hole", derived from the German "Sommerloch".
"Summer Hole" is a recurring phenomena, essentially in summer. It affects the newspapers only, unlike the expected influensavåg that is expected to hit the whole of Sweden in autumn and thus has inspired the government to conduct a mass-vaccination, unprecedented in Swedish history. That subject I will surely comment on later.

Summer Hole simply means that nothing much is happening, so the newspapers/so called journalists invent stuff, create problems to write about, anything, from The Monster of Loch Ness to the oh so relevant question Wether Or Not Toplessness Bathing Should Be Permitted When Swimming In Rosenlundsbadet.
Of course, just in case anybody has missed it: this goes much deeeeeper, as I said, it is a "Hole"-no pun intended.
The Swedes favourite topic: Jävla Jämställdhet.

If they, the boys, can do it standing up - we can, too, show our breasts, wether they are perky , surrendering to the law of gravity, crinkeld, smooth, sexy, as long as they are bare, just like the boys show theirs.

Swedes are so unisexed that they obviously do not see any more much of a difference between men and women.....which does NOT make them the happier people!!

Really, sick, sick, sick people.

Have they no other serious cause to fight for?

As if this is of ANY imortance whatsoever..........I am already getting bored. But would like to share a website that is quite a scream:

I guess they are serious.

So am I.

The sun is too tempting. Have to go now. Off to the Beach of Vättern, Boobs covered up, Bananas, Beer, Book ("How not to dislike the people around you") in the Basket, Sun Balm for my delicate skin ...............all in a sudden I notice that the letter B for BooBs is looking like bÓÓbs!!!

Interesting coincidence............

Monday, 13 July 2009

"LM" for Lex Maria

How shocking can it get?

According to estimates from Socialstyrelsen a whopping 3000 patients DIE EVERY YEAR!!!
.......... not because of some mysterious cow-/bird-/pig-or whatever imported pandemic epidemic.
But largely because of negligence, ignorance, sheer callousness, malpractise and shitty hygiene.

And topped by stupidity, ignorance and inadequate training and education.

Whatever, in a country of only a few million and one that wrongly enjoys the reputation of being "clean"----------- this is simply tragic.
And 3000 is most probably only the tip of the dirtberg.
3000 are the dead ones.

Along with this come 100 000 and more that survive these onslaughts, often damaged for live, in all probability without any financial compensation left to fend largely for themselves.

Since accountability is not exactly a local sport, doctors and nursing staff, if they have done wrong, are rarely made financially accountable as is practised in civilized countries elsewhere.
In any case: only 1% of these malpractises were apparently reported in accordance with the "Lex Maria".
That is another breath taking number.

How Göran Hägglund, honourable Minister for Health and Social Affairs, intends to change this, ....jag vet inte.
However, he has already realized that this situation is a fiasco.
That, one should hope, is the first step.

That, we know, is most probably where it will all stay and be as harmful and injurious to health like a nonsterile needle and dirty hands.