I had the
most relaxing, rejuvenating, wonderful vacations in a long time.
At the Westcoast.
We stayed in a small guest house with all the luxury and amenities I have at home because I do not wish to downgrade my standard of living when I am on a holiday.
Never thought it charming using an utedass...........
We had a functioning bathroom and a kitchen to cook the meals I had meticulously planned and prepared to please my friends that so graciously agreed to share 2 weeks with me.
We cooked, ate and drank, swam in the tiny little pond near by, talked and talked and talked, discussing anything and everything from the vital statistics of Sophia Loren to how serious one should take the oncoming svineinfluenza which is handled remarkably amateurish (provided it is as dangerous as they suggest)by the Swedish authorities.
We discussed and solved the financial crisis which apparently rocks the planet and wondered, late into the evenings, why nobody listens to us.
I could not help but feel somehow priviledged reclining on a solstol there, tummy full with delicous food, on a lazy, hazy summernight.
When returning home I discovered to my utter delight that I did in fact unknowingly had packed a souvenir from this trip.
A green, no-idea-what-kind-of-worm/larve it is.
And it has a FACE!!!!
Maybe it/he/she can talk!!??
I decided not to fry and eat it up, but rather teach it/her/him to learn the human language (English possibly) and thus have somebody to converse with...INTELLIGENTLY , I hope.
However if it turns out to be a butterfly I may pin it on my message board for everybody in my office to see what happens if one trys to fly away.
In the land of Jantelagen this is NO option.
You run fast------------or your wings may be broken!