She must have flapped her tired wings, a last effort maybe to raise her body and fly, fly, fly away......and over the distance of thousands of kilometers this soft, gentle breeze became a majestic quake of the earth!
A destructive, killing tremble.
Life is cruel, rough, unjust, BAAAAD.
How lonely and miserable this little fladdermus must have been, stuck in Jönköpings Högskolans bibliotek. Yes, in the end we are all alone.
On Monday evening her lifeless, limp body was found.
It was sent for post mortem to Statens veterinärmedicinska Anstalt.
We need to know WHY!!
It surely deserved Front-Page attention in Jönköpings Posten.
It surely deserved Front-Page attention in Jönköpings Posten.
And the tragedy and gravity of this event ruined my day.
The story touched my heart.
Yes, I am not an animal person, however the sight of the limp, lifeless body of this flying rat did touch my heart.
A gigantic 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Tahiti, several 10thousands dead, 100thousands injured, homeless, a tragedy of biblical proportions................on page 26 in todays JP.
Yes, twentysix.
Oh, yes, thank God. Or whoever is in charge.
NO Swede seems to have been hurt or crashed.
And Tahiti??
Where the hell is that? In Africa? Or Asia? Far enough not to really bother.
We are dealing with a harsh winter and it is REALLY cold out here. And life is tough enough.
As I said in earlier writings: it is simply a question of prioritering.
And that is definitely, what we get right (?) here.
"Tjurfäktare tränar bönder".
Well, this is important. After all 5 (Five) lantbrukare died in heroic action after being attacked by their cattle, cow or bull in only a span of 4 years. Drama, drama, drama.
I am feeling somewhat sick in my stomach and do not like this place more than before.
It is so unreal and superficial.
The moment will come when this bubble will burst right into our face.
I hope that my survival-skills, developed and sharpened in a previous chapter of my life, will come handy then.