Tuesday, 25 November 2008

"D" for delusional and decadence

K U L T U R - kul tur - fun trip

Amor's pil.................................................................
..........................................................................................kiss my ass!!

I had to take a break!!
Kind of going into an inner exile. Probably because of these monstrous mörk winter days my spirit is a bit dämpened or dumpad. Whatever.
I do not want the Jönköping-Bacillus to infest and invade me&myself too much. So staying aloof and quiet till "it" is over works for me.

A good start of the day is a cup of hot, sweet, milky tea........and the perusal of Jönköpings Posten. There I get it all.
ALL the relevant information that hauls me through the day and confirms that NOT ALL IS LOST!! By no means.
Todays important news: "Ny konsthall planeras"!! Big, BIG words!! "Jönköpings Louisiana"!!! Louisiana (the original one) move over!! Here comes Jönköping, hotspot for culture !! Do I hear giggling in the backseats??
Together with the venture of a new SMOT-house this strikes me as yet another freak and proof that delusions of grandeur and megalomania are symptomatic for a people in decay. Look at the Roman Empire! ;-)
NO culture in their blood, but an ardent love for smörgåstårta and hotdogs, or does anyone really believe that by building and constructing temples of the art love for culture will suddenly rush through their veins???
"Som en Amor-pil" (quote: Sergei Muchin, ny på posten som museichef, so he is still learning his lessons)....Amor's pil or the sword of Damokles??
Guess I just have to hang on long enough to pick up the shattered pieces.