Jul igen!
Once a year I indulge in these admittedly adventurous thoughts that not all is lost.
And it has to do with Christmas.
Praise the Lord!!
All over the town one can have a good look at what (apparently!) Swedish Amazons (okay, they have the square look but not a true amazon's spirit) wear UNDER their un-feminine, un-pleasant, un-attractive, un-iform, un-isex (without -y!!), un-flattering clothes, aesthetically offensive, generally bird-bajs coloured, or in shades of depressive green, blue grey, vomit yellow, blodpudding red etc.
Yes, yes: frivolous, titillatingly-lacey, yes, yes, S E X Y looking bras and panties, with tiny little cute dingling dangling, bling-blingy little somethings, nothings hanging, useless but cute little ribbons, lovingly twisted into little hearts or flowers.........bright juicy, hot red, seriously sexy velvety lace ..........
There are just too many displayed in the various shops to fit only on cute, firm, shapely bodies in the age group 13-26....so imagining those frivolous items of plaisir being wrapped around julskinka shaped buttocks and aging breasts that have finally surrendered to the law of Jante and Gravity!!
Let me indulge in these visuals for a moment.
What does this tell us, what message do I get??
All the BlahBlah about jämställhet is OUTWARDLY, a phonetic phenomena so to say. So it seems.
Tack vare Gud!
The superimposed maskulinity, the price wo-men here apparently are happily willing to pay for what they believe is equality, .....scratch the surface and they would m a y b e like to be what they should love to be: Objects of desire, Divas in bed.
Maybe it is too early to give up hope.
However, along with the masculinisation of wo-men goes along a tragic, but unavoidable femininisation of men. They had no choice.
Poor fellows.
It was pure survival instinct.
No idea, but one can always move to another country where the laws of nature still are in place.
In this spirit:
God Jul!
.....and enjoy.... ;-)