It is official. Official it is.
Another suspicion of mine verified: Swedes are maybe the first to have given "Blue Movies" a face.............however in my opinion they have a strrrrange relationship with SEX.
It is so much all over the place, right from kindergarten onwards, there is no tabu whatsoever, it is autopsized, slaughtered and carved up in detail, teenies know "all" about hormones, PMS, könsorgan and their various functions. No surprises left, all charme gone.
But to come to the point (no pun intended, Mr Gräfenberg) : A survey, recently published in the New Scientist Magazine has come to the not too surprising result that the Swedes are NOWHERE on the list of "Who is the most active people when it comes to sex".
And WHY????
Simple: they have no fucking time to indulge in the fine art of love-making.
Both sexes (yes, there are still men and wo-men around) are so tied up with work and work and work and being jämställd and work and jämställhet that by the end of the day, when they actually could meet and mate, they are so worn out that it is nada, niente, nix, nichts, nothing.
I am also convinced that Sweden is the first country in the world that will ACTUALLY be unisexed, in the true sense of the word, LITERALLY, that is they will have a uniform one-gender-race, where the height of achievement will be wo-men with penis and men with breasts and a kind of uterine appendix.
So they would be capable of inseminating themselves and leave out these time consuming questions as to who stays at home and does the nursing of a new-born, who will be pappa-ledig and/or mamma-ledig. They could be two-in-one. How fucking convenient is that?!!
A big sigh of relief when that level of evolution is reached. And all points out to this wonderful part of the world. We (I however distance myself from the "we" )will be the first!