Well, after a looooong break I am back again.
Sorry, no photo. Have no idea that is good enough to present here.
Things that happened around me in the last months were too loaded with idiocy and indescribable stupidity and what not to even make an ATTEMPT to comment on it.
I decided that even my verbal venom is too sweet to be wasted on it.
I am talking about the piggy influenza, that revealed a shockingly incompetent and outrageously idiotic handling of a (serious??) situation by the authorities concerned.
Even I was short of words to appropiately comment on this madness and hystery.
Minus 12 outside, breakfast in bed, snuggled in my cushions with JP, JönköpingsPosten of course.............that is roughly the situation.
Icy pavements, icy roads, an incapable, arrogant, good-for-nothing Tekniska Kontoret. People that demand a silent NewYear celebration so that their pets and babies don't get upset. These are roughly the main news, I mean, the stuff that really matters in our life.
Ah,well, only one more news catches my sore eyes: "Rekord i skulder hos Kronofogden".
Am I surprised? Not really.
After moving to Sweden I found out that in all these years I had been in business with companies scattered all over the planet I had NEVER experienced such a low pay-moral as in Sweden.
However I am shocked about the magnitude when I see that according to the official statistic the Swedes owe sixtyfour miljarder kronor to Kronofogden. That is absolutely mindboogling. Since I do not owe anybody anything it is even more per person as I initially calculated!!
What the hell do they buy and not pay for?
So much is free here, in the sense that one does not have to pay cash to send the kids to school, and get them even fed there, no cash payment to get into hospital and undergo an operation (in the "worst" scenario it is just a kind of little down payment), the government keeps them comfortably warm (and in line!) by giving to the needy and unneedy a vast variety of financial crutches.
So what do they shop? Food? The fast and expensive one? Clothes that are unnecessary and unflattering, too? The second car? The holiday in an exotic country to broaden the horizon and make them feel more global, though here in Smålands Jerusalem this effect on their way of thinking is negligable.
So it can not be the basics in life like food and shelter that throws them into debt.
Maybe something that is hidden under their unisexed clothes?
Christmas time is sexy lingerie time.
I always find it really hard to believe that in their desperate attempt for jämställhet they may jeopardize this idea(l) secretly with lacy bras and panties. .....Kind of an under-ground/-wear revolution.
Oh dear, oh dear!!
In this spirit I wish all my friends and those who read this blog a
Oh So Very Happy New Year.