Thursday, 21 July 2011

Jämställdhet.... or when women look like men that look like women

It is not really "hot" stuff I am writing about nowadays. I think it has to do with SUMMER. Nothing exciting (which is also in a way comforting) happens, no desasters, nil epidemics, zero war least in these boundaries.
.........only the usual.
When I saw this photo in today's newspaper I initially did not even bother to read the text to the picture. I really thought that these were 4 men dressed as women in some silly Swedish folk-theatre.
Was I surprised to read that these ARE woman!!
That is what I see so many times: Swedes practise Jämställdhet to the extend that, as I always say, women here will be the first to grow a penis and Swedish men will be the first to deliver babies, probably sexless ones. Question is not wether but when. And I think it won't be a long wait.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Art Aficinados :) :) :) :) :)

Is this a country of art aficinados???..........or of pickpockets??!!
In today's Jönköpings Posten I found this tiny little note saying that 5000, in words: FIVETHOUSAND, pieces of the art collection belonging to Stockholm's Stadsmuseum, comprising of 31 000 objects, have been "disappearing".
The period of time in which this has happened is not given. But I presume it is not over the last decades. If so one wonders why they have not looked into this matter earlier.
I particularly like the explanation given by Gunilla Rehnström Olander that these art objects "sakta vandra bort"!!!
How she can get away with this idiotic comment strikes me.
I am not talking about Gunilla only.....but the rest of you who accepts this.
Sorry for the interruption- but I was shaking in violent ripples of laughter!

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Land of the Blind

Today Jönköping has been good to me.
I was and still am convinced, or rather I KNOW, that the Swedes per se are social cripples. However, s.t. life catches you unaware and in an effort to butterpolish me it sprang up with 2 surprises.
Within an hour.
First a very pretty young lady at the bus stop came over to me and in many words commented on the necklace and the earrings I was wearing.
Well, she was right in doing so.....but it is not expected to meet s.o. that can see in the Land of the Blind&Jantelagen
Then, within an hour, another young and pretty lady at the cash counter in Willy's rather enthusiastically commented on the lovely summery colours of my dress.
Well, she was right in doing so.....but it is not expected to meet s.o. that can see in the Land of the Blind&Jantelagen.

Life could be so pleasant....if only ...

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Golden Shot

Woke up early, around 3:45. That is the time when this place looks like somewhere else. I made this shot from my balcony. The colours were stunning. Barely 15 minutes later it got even better and I made this "Golden Shot"....
Other than that......summer-hole.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Not much happening here.
The Swedes have disappeard into the deep forests, pretending to be one with Mother Nature. Of course with the help of all the priviledges Modern Civilisation has to offer.
Occasional trips downtown also offer little or no excitement.
I am however working on a picture series of fashion disasters my sore eyes are confronted with every day. To document this is however not easy as most people would NOT like to be presented as walking offenders to my sensitive fashion taste buds. But I am working on it.............
As a little comfort and in order not to loose my nagging skills I found the above ad in my alltime favourite morning newspaper, The Posten of Jönköping.
Fresh, this morning.
It is too warm to get really excited over this but it shows in a nutshell what journalism is all about, here, in the cradle of Jantelagen and where the word "lagom" has an importance that will be hard to match for any other place.
Yes, "lugn och skötsam"....I shall keep an eye on the career of this promising talent. I am sure he will not have too many surprises to offer.
In the meantime I enjoy the summertime.
Taking it nice and easy.
This may help you to get into the spirit:

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

JP about Jantelagen

Instead of sugar in my early morning cuppa tea I read Jönköpings Posten.
It is, like sugar in the tea, totally unnecessary for survival and/or for happiness.
And RARELY is there something written that strikes me as truly to the point. The editorial from vecka 23 is one such piece of intelligent comment.
In a concise manner Mats Ottosson, redaktionschef, writes about Jantelagen, the infamous unwritten law that rules local daily life and throttles everything that is remotely innovative, creative, entrepreneurial.
Why? the innocent and ignorant bystander may ask.....Well, innate insecurity, a genetic predisposed inferiority complex, incapability to acknowledge the fact that others are simply better in this or that.
Something that a self confident person would have zero problem to admit.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Jantelagen =survival-kit in Sweden

Comment will follow soon.