Today Jönköping has been good to me.
I was and still am convinced, or rather I KNOW, that the Swedes per se are social cripples. However, s.t. life catches you unaware and in an effort to butterpolish me it sprang up with 2 surprises.
Within an hour.
First a very pretty young lady at the bus stop came over to me and in many words commented on the necklace and the earrings I was wearing.
Well, she was right in doing so.....but it is not expected to meet s.o. that can see in the Land of the Blind&Jantelagen
Then, within an hour, another young and pretty lady at the cash counter in Willy's rather enthusiastically commented on the lovely summery colours of my dress.
Well, she was right in doing so.....but it is not expected to meet s.o. that can see in the Land of the Blind&Jantelagen.
Life could be so pleasant....if only ...