After much thinking, deliberation, taking into consideration the plus/minus points of hanging yourself out in the public as s.b. who is looking for getting to know people in this underpopulated, emotionally underdeveloped, socially crippled country I made the big step and registered myself in one of the popular dating websites.
Though dating as in "dating" is not my intention - this is the only possibility to meet other, hopefully likeminded people other than at work or in a förening, the two other possibilities in this oh so civilized country.
I was silly to believe that this would work. I consider the amount spent to become proud owner of a Gold-Membership card with its doubtful advantages a waste of my money.
Anyway, the sum is rather negligable.
Every day I get several emails to notify me that "somebody has looked at my profile". If I check and think it may be a possible possibility that this is a person one could meet casually I often get another sign of appreciation.
A Smile.
Yes, a smile.
Under different circumstances that would lead to a more specific contact, like an email, or two and, if not too far away, a meeting where one could establish rather quick wether or not there is a desire to proceed with the oh so terrible complicated process of getting to know another human being a bit closer or wether it is not working.
In which case one can very quickly and without much pain and shattered dreams disconnect.
But there it ends.
I am still, after all these years in Sweden, unable to understand the mentality and How people function.
This kind of behaviour is nothing more like scratching your balls. Immediate gratification and no further commitment.
Or is this possibly all what it is about?
Silly me.
Footnote: The picture attached is an (detail) erotic sculpture "Cupid and Psyche" I photographed in a friends house, with the permission of the artist.