Winter is around the corner and we bring out the woolens.
Warm clothes.
Wrap ourselves with the hairy skin of dead animals.
For fashion and for comfort.
And at around this time of the year the djurrättsaktivisterna are coming out of their holes.
In Jönköping they are still rather timid.
Huddled together in front of a clothes butik on Klostergatan that has the audacity to sell a handfull of items with kaninpäls. Oh, oh!
Each time I hear about this kind of wellmeant but silly protest I wonder why they do this?
If they would use their brains they would stand in front of the meat counters, too.
Every supermarket displays tons of fresh slaughterd animals, cold chunks of meat, for us to devour.
Every week they advertise full page in newspapers with yummy pics of raw, bloody meat.
And I have never seen these animal protection army posted there, where the blood flows.
They are all vegetarians, are they not?